9 whole months of Belgian beer and chocolate


Education - European Style

Okay, wow... sorry everyone! My updating abilities have been seriously lacking these past few weeks. I am currently into my third week of studies at Vesalius College, a small school that has an affiliation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (a Dutch speaking university). So far I'm really enjoying the atmosphere - small classes are a nice change of pace from the massive lecture halls back home!

My experience with studies in Brussels so far has actually been quite enlightening. I am taking five courses: Elementary Dutch, Military Approaches to Global Security, a course on Belgian history and culture, The EU's Common Security and Defense Policy, and Germany under Nazi Socialism. . . or in other words the schedule of my dreams. For the first time my semester is completely focused on the concentration of my major: Global Security. I share courses with many study abroad students and also regular VeCo students who come from all across Europe. The advantages of this kind of environment are tremendous.

In my first week of classes I found out my Global Security class was located in none other than The Royal Military Academy. What? Yes.. an educational institution for members of the military. My course is being taught by two members of the military: one from the Netherlands and an expert on Russia, the other a professor from Belgium. Now at what other point in time will I have the privilege of saying I took a course in a military academy? Probably never. One of the benefits of this class is the variation of opinions within. There are quite a few Europeans, but most unexpectedly a gentleman from Pakistan is also a member of the class. To share the classroom with someone from a country we hear so much about on the news, most always in a negative light, is actually quite a humbling experience. No, the days of taking in an American-centric point of view are long gone.

Aside from studies, I have already taken a weekend trip to Utrecht, Netherlands to see Gerard which was a really nice break from reality. I will travel to the Netherlands again soon to The Hague/ICTY and (hopefully) sit in on a trial (Hardly containing my excitement for that one). Suffice it to say, Brussels has already offered me so much, and I cannot wait to see what the next 8 months will bring.

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