9 whole months of Belgian beer and chocolate


Socialism.. That's like, um, Communism or Something, Right?

Actually, it's like, um, where you give a little more back to the government and in turn you and your fellow citizens receive abounding benefits including (but not limited to) health care (that isn't just there for those who can afford it, surprise!) and education. Wait.. that doesn't sound so bad does it? Okay, so maybe this sounds like I'm about to go on some rambling rampage, but I promise I have a point here.. er, at least I think I do.

So maybe I haven't yet been sent to the hospital here (fingers crossed), and my exorbitant tuition fees haven't changed, but I still believe it is reflected in society as a whole in Europe. It's so refreshing, and yet, I can't quite put my finger on what it is. However, maybe I can tell you what it isn't. It isn't people obsessing over this mine, mine, mine syndrome. Money, food, beer - take your pick, it doesn't matter - if it's my 'hard earned' 6 pack of Brewskis don't even think about asking for one without getting a considerable guilt trip before I finally give it up (a trite analogy, I'm aware, but one I relate with nonetheless). All over the money, because it is all about the money after all, right? Why should I share that with anybody else if it is, after all, mine.

Because of the Common Good, something I believe is lost on a lot of people, particularly in the land of the proud and free. You don't want people rising up against you when they realize they've been cheated out of what is rightfully everyone's? When those who are more fortunate give back a share, not only do they benefit in the end, but they contribute to everyone else's well being. Guess what that equals? A happier society on the whole. Please don't take my words wrong and think that I'm saying Socialism is the answer to all of society's ills - I don't think anybody's ever gonna have that one figured out. I'm also not saying, "Hey, Capitalist America.. maybe it's time you quietly move your way on over to Socialism?" Because that's simply not feasible. Afterall, there will always be a Europe for me to come back to.

I do, however, believe that many Americans have been duped into believing that Socialism is just another word for Communism - that very scary monster we thought we got rid of in 1989. Don't be mistaken, the government hasn't come to take over everyone's lives, it just wants to spread the wealth a little more evenly. And I really can't see the harm in that.

Which is why I am so excited to see where this Occupy movement is going. It makes me proud to see, from way over here, what the 99% are finally making a stand for. Taking a stand against capitalist greed, corporate gain, and frank injustice toward the American people. 4,000 miles away, I stand strong with the 99%.

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