9 whole months of Belgian beer and chocolate


Live it up, one last time

So the epic journey draws nearer and nearer to a close. I've struggled a lot in the last few weeks trying to both deal with the fact that I'll be leaving in a little more than a month and how I'll feel once I'm finally home. 9 months abroad is no minor detail as it marks a relatively large time in my life, and one that I hope will have lasting impacts.

I think the biggest thing I'm struggling with is the fear of having regrets. I'm not ready to go home and realize there were so many things I should have done, seen, or experienced. I realize I sound like quite the negative nancy, but I think it's a valid concern. This worry is compounded by the fact that my last month here is half way filled with papers and exams and all the concerns that go along with them. How the heck am I supposed to uphold my commitment to my academics while at the same time make the most out of my last month here? I'm sorry I can't be like some of you who fully understand how short life is, and how much that one paper won't matter 10 years from now. I guess my biggest flaw is that I just (sigh).. care too much.. ha. ha. ha. But really, I care about the work I'm supposed to be accountable for, and that's the biggest thing keeping me from going all out this last month.

On the upside, once all this hellish work is over with (seriously, for those of you looking to party abroad.. this program maybe not the best one), I'll have a solid three weeks to take some time to say goodbye to Brussels and Europe. This time won't be filled taking some gigantic Eurotrip.. as I know I've already mentioned, that's not what this experience was about for me. Brussels will have been my home for 9 months, and that's a feeling that is definitely not going to leave me very easily - I'll need all the time I can get to say goodbye to such an amazing city. Nevertheless, with all the sadness that goes along with saying goodbye to a place like this, I can say with almost certainty that I will be back, someday...

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