9 whole months of Belgian beer and chocolate



Just 10 days remain between me and what is sure to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Despite the lack of legitimate packing I feel 100% ready to get the heck out of the U.S. and find my way to the land of beer, waffles, and most importantly - chocolate. 9 months abroad certainly sounds like a long time, but I have a sneaking suspicion it might just fly by.

My decision to study abroad in Brussels wasn't one that took a whole lot of thought, but once the decision was made I knew it was the right one. My original thought was to find a program in a Francophone country, with the goal of eventually becoming fluent in the language I've been taking classes in since freshman year of high school. No need to get into the nitty gritty, but I landed on UW's academic year program in Belgium - a terrific place for an International Studies/Poli Sci major as it is the capitol of Europe and a truly Cosmopolitan city. Though Brussels may not be on the radar of most tourists' destinations, I am sure it is a place I will grow to love and know very well.

So I'm clearly Gung-Ho about packing up a suitcase (or two...) and living in Europe for 9 months, and maybe I haven't put enough thought into the things I'll really miss about home. A good burger, friendly midwestern smiles, the convenience of having a car - all things that any respectable Iowan might miss. Yet, I'm ready to see what the other side of the pond has to offer even if it means some unease and discomfort at first. I already know that the experiences and life lessons I will get out of my time abroad will be well worth it in the end. A la prochaine fois, en Bruxelles!

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