9 whole months of Belgian beer and chocolate


In Love

Well, after all these months of it never feeling very real, I'm finally here and I have to say - it's really not such a big deal. I mean that in the best way possible: the second I stepped off the plane things felt as if they were all in place for me. Sure, the wooziness of getting off an 8 hour plane ride was not a pleasant feeling, but in the few hours I've been here I already know these 9 months will be nothing short of amazing.

Clue number one: While standing near the baggage tram waiting for my luggage, I was approached by a woman who asked "parlez-vous le francais?", an instance that might have intimidated me greatly had I imagined it happening in my head, but in reality went quite smoothly. I replied "un peu" as my usual response to any such question, but was then able to help her understand whether or not this was the right tram for the baggage coming from Montreal. She was quite grateful, and this initial interaction only moments after getting off the plane was a great bolster to my French speaking abilities. Not to mention, do I already look so European as to get approached with such a question?! Okay, I'll try not to get too far ahead of myself...

After the taxi ride from the airport with a female driver (seriously, how common is that?) I found myself at the door to Hotel des Colonies, a charming little place where I'll be staying the next few days. It's in a quiet little nook of a street, just outside of a major shopping district in Brussels. So, naturally, I just got back from looking around a few hours... I think these next 9 months will be a goldmine for my wardrobe, but quite bad news for the bank account (I only kind of mean that, dad). So I end my first outing in Brussels at a nice little lunch place with a beer (at 10:30 am ..but who's judging?) and some tuna salad while I witness the first of I'm sure many, many sudden rain showers in this beautiful city. Long story short, I can't wait to get to know this wonderful city. . . its everything I ever could have wanted so far! Pictures to come :)

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